Manifestos: Chiron in Aries, Recitals #5 and #6

Frédéric Gies

Inspired by mythology and astrology, four dancers perform Manifestos: Chiron in Aries, Recitals #5 and #6 to music by techno DJ and producer Fiedel. In intense solos to the techno beat they express an assertive and sheer force of will and a bold desire to resist.

Frédéric Gies is a dancer and choreographer based in Sweden, presenting their works nationally and internationally in various contexts (dance venues, music festivals and museums). Drawing from their former training in ballet and specific trends of contemporary dance, their dance floor experiences in techno clubs and raves and their study of somatic practices, they approach forms as possibilities rather than constraints. Their practice Technosomatics has encountered a broad international echo.

This chapter is part of a cycle of works called the Chiron in Aires cycle, which takes the mythology and the astrology of Chiron (the centaur also known as the wounded healer) as a poetic framework for addressing topics revolving around queerness, sense of self, wounds and the capacity to heal them.

This new chapter in the Chiron in Aries cycle embarks us in a multilinear, choral choreography, in which each dancer’s individual story line interconnects and depend on one another. Conceived as poetic meditations on the sense of self, the dances carry along the warrior’s will power as much as the traces and scars life imprints in us. Cutting through and razor-sharp versus lush and voluptuous, oscillating between fierce affirmation and determination, surrender and despair, each solo dance becomes a manifesto, landing softly into each other’s bodies like an echo. The piece invents its own mythology and dreams of a world in which the inevitable experience of solitude never translate into isolation and loneliness. Togetherness can heal our deepest wounds.

In astrology, the minor planet Chiron represents our deepest wounds and our capacity to heal. The sign Aries represents the ego, willpower, desire and the warrior within us.



Detta nya kapitel i Chiron in Aries-cykeln tar oss in i en multilinjär körkoreografi, där varje dansares individuella berättelse är sammankopplad med och beroende av de andras. Tänkta som poetiska meditationer över självkänslan, bär danserna med sig krigararens viljestyrka lika mycket som de spår och ärr som livet märker oss med. Skarp och genomträngande kontra frodig och vällustig, pendlar dansen mellan stark affirmation och beslutsamhet, och överlämnande och förtvivlan. Varje solo blir till ett manifest som mjukt landar i de andras kroppar, som ett eko. Verket skapar sin egen mytologi och drömmer om en värld där den oundvikliga upplevelsen av ensamhet aldrig förvandlas till isolering. Tillsammans kan vi läka våra djupaste sår.

Inom astrologin representerar småplaneten Chiron, uppkallad efter kentauren och även känd som ”den sårade helaren”, våra djupaste sår och vår förmåga att läka. Tecknet Väduren representerar egot, viljestyrkan, begäret och krigaren inom oss.



Choreography : Frédéric Gies

Dancers : Frédéric Gies, Andreas Haglund, Elise Brewer, Declan Whitaker

Music : Fiedel

Lighting Design: Thomas Zamolo

Costumes : Grzergoz Matlag

Coproduced by Skogen, Weld, inkonst / residence support by MARC and Skogen / Supported by Kulturrådet, Region Skåne, Malmö stad and Konstnärsnämnden

Duration : 80 min


Efter föreställningen serverar vi middag. Stanna gärna och äta med oss och konstnärerna.